Monday, October 31, 2016

Tomorrow is NaNoWriMo time!

I'm a complete mess -waiting for a new hip - stoned on pain killers -exhausted from a huge environmental and indigenous rights battle -disheartened with the force and cruelty of global corporations  (Muskrat Falls hydro project, Standing Rock, the ridiculous joke of the American election, women's disempowerment again!) so being a chirpy little energy writing bunny seems like the opposite of what I should be doing. Which would be ...sleeping? so, of course I'm jumping into the fray. I started a mystery last year and it is set in Labrador and involves a ton of the politics, the insanity of life on a reserve -especially for teens and the politics of the Muskrat Falls project .  I'm fired up -why not  use it. My goal is 20 thousand more words which  is 666.66 words a day.  So see you in the trenches. also I'll be gone for six days in November so will have to do those word ahead.

Here's me dressed up for one trick or treater. one.


Trisha said...

I hope you feel better soon - sounds like NaNo is just what you need to channel your frustrations! And maybe it'll help distract you from your physical discomfort. Hope so! I'm doing it too and I feel insane for even making the attempt.

Anonymous said...

I've been seeing how involved you are in that land project, Jan. I give you so much credit. Wishing you health and an easing of your pain. Happy NaNoWriMo!